Welcome to Awakening Tide School of Remembrance

The portal for living a bottom up life! Please read the full page before joining.

About Us

What is The Awakening Tide?

The Awakening Tide is a sacred space dedicated to the wellbeing of humanity, where the missions that will bring well being to humanity are created with ease and flow.

This is our Mighty Network where we share The Awakening Tide's sacred energy and our gifts with humanity. 

We are committed to living a life of integrity to our Divine mission and gifts. We are a Spirit-led team who truly embodies the concept of Co-creation with the Divine. We have taken our life wisdom and experience as individuals and as a group coming together to create something the world has never seen, to develop concise and highly potent teachings, experiences and community. Together we are The Awakening Tide and we are here for our purpose.....the wellbeing of humanity and to help you bring your sacred mission to life!

Who is called to The Awakening Tide?

You. You are being called to The Awakening Tide because you deserve to...

Live a “bottom-up life” by aligning your nervous system in a way that allows you to thrive

Be a mission carrier that takes excellent care of him or herself

Finally heal the fight or flight response that has been running your life for too long

Balance your masculine and feminine energies so your creativity flows abundantly

Truly co-create with spirit because no one builds alone

Participate in group activities that strengthen your beliefs so you can trust yourself

Cleanse your energetic field of energies that clog your aura and disrupt your “bandwidth”

Experience a safe and loving space for you to heal emotionally and share the deepest parts of yourself

Have more energy because you will trust your body to make decisions

Free yourself from self-sabotage by allowing the mind to be an observer and not drive the show

Grow a team of people who are living in alignment and are equally committed to your mission and their purpose

Feel relieved that you’re not the only one building a mission- You will never be alone

Slow down the spinning in your life and feel the ease of alignment personally and professionally

Allow abundance in all forms to flow with joy and awe

Have healthier relationships, especially with your family and loved ones

Become familiar with metaphysical healing like using crystals and visualizations

Feel connected to nature and experience the benefits of her healing

Feel the integrity of our team and see real time how we navigate our unique process

Ease and flow of being able to engage when you want and “peace-out” when needed.

Have a space to share with people that get you and are walking a similar journey

Heal your blockages around worthiness, abundance and money

Work with a team of highly trained professionals that provide unique finely-tuned, direct feedback and guidance that produces efficiency in the use of your time, energy and money

Invest in yourself at the highest and learn to use your resources to support you fully

Be ON when your ON and be OFF when you’re OFF knowing your mission will still thrive, and so will you

Have a space to process grief as parts of your life and mission burns down and builds itself up again

Stay in your zone of genius and that’s it!

Create the home and family life you’ve always imagined

Commit once and grow forever

The Awakening Tide Guarantee

Our promise to you is that we will always be willing to go first.

We all commit to our personal healing journey and vow to show up in our highest and most aligned energy for your mission and for our mission.

We love humanity with all our hearts and want to see a world of unity, love and healing for ourselves, our families and for those to come.

We are “mission committed" and follow Spirit’s guidance and direction for your mission

We expect our clients to be loved, nurtured and treated like "HOME”

Our mission is YOUR MISSION.

With Gratitude and Awe,

Family of The Awakening Tide

The benefits of answering your call

When you become a member of The Awakening Tide, with your one investment, you have LIFETIME Access to:

* The home of those who are truly leading a life of "going all in" on what they desire without compromise, sacrifice or hustle.

* Being with others who carry this energy of the highest expression of who they are, an invaluable asset to you as the energy your surround yourself in is vital to your success.

* Live calls with the Curators where you get realtime teaching, coaching and energy upleveling.

*Replay library where you can view all past calls - an added bonus if you like to truly immerse yourself in this wisdom.

* The Resource Library with the integral and foundational teachings of The Awakening Tide that can only be found here in this portal.

* Access to invest in individual coaching with the Curators for when you want rapid transformation right now!

* Access to masterminds that have a hyperfocus into one of the key pillars of The Awakening Tide process.

* PDF's of key processes that The Awakening Tide Team has created and revised over the years they have worked together that will save you time and money right now.

* With LIFETIME ACCESS, you are able to set the pace of how you engage with the resources and energy of The Awakening Tide, know that when your mission is built you have continued support and community as you now live into the next chapter of your story, develop trust in yourself and a deep knowing of your body and energy as you now have the freedom of knowing you have a home for life.

* A commitment grants you access to it all!

* An investment portal where you can share your gift of monetary energy with The Awakening Tide whenever you are guided.

* Opportunities to invest in The Awakening Tide by sharing your Divine gifts with The AT Community. 

*And so much more!!!

The Sacred Awakening Tide Agreement

The decision to join The Awakening Tide is sacred.

Each member of The Awakening Tide is valued, cherished and vital to the mission.

Each member agrees to the following:

  • To be in sacred service to God, my gift, the mission of The Awakening Tide, the wellbeing of humanity, and my mission for humanity.
  • To invest in The Awakening Tide with my spiritual energy, monetary energy, and physical energy as I am guided.
  • To respect and honor each members gifts, purpose and human journey.
  • To uphold the confidentiality of all members and the information that is shared in this space.
  • To be fully responsible for my own healing journey as we are all human and walking the journey of the wounded healer.
  • To live into my innate God-given human design.
  • To receive the blessings of The Awakening Tide and the beauty that flows through each member and the group.
  • To participate in group sessions, typed chat, etc as I am guided and that I understand I am able to turn off my camera, mute my microphone or change my name as sessions are recorded and posted in the “Replay” section of the platform.
  • I acknowledge that this a virtual platform and that calls are conducted via the internet and that even though The Awakening Tide will not use my image or recording without permission, that there is always the possibility of breaches that are out of The Awakening Tide’s control.
  • I acknowledge that this platform, this community and all of its members are not in the practice of medicine and are not my physician or other medical professional. I am fully responsible for my own medical care and will engage with the medical professionals that I need to live in my highest energetic alignment.